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On The Workbench

One day down and the first project of the year was wrapped up on 1/1/23. What started out as a learning exercise and half-hearted project that I felt was really taking time away from other things has turned out to be something I'm fairly happy with. With Love and Sincerity is a a proclamation of self-worth and a vitriolic critique of unbalanced relationships in alI their myriad of forms. Run time is a short 2:35 but it's really feeling like a visually dense and cacaphonic experience that will benefit from repeat viewings. The work will have its debut screening in the 2023 Fredonia Faculty Exhibition at the Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery at SUNY Fredonia, January 24 through February 19, 2023 - Reception: January 27, 6 to 9 pm. As with most work I'm doing these days there are elements of this that are already working their way into my narrative project. I'm looking forward to putting more parts of that puzzle together soon. It's calling me.

Click on the pics for a larger version.

A semi-quick divergence into learning 3D animation. I'll be teaching Cinema 4D in the spring and have been quickly learning it for that class, but I also have plans for it within my bigger film project in at least one or two shots.

Thanks to the New York State Council on the Arts and their Individual Artist Grant award administered regionally by the wonderful Arts Services Inc., I've been able to purchase equipment and supplies that directly supports the making of my current film. One such example is a 3D printer which I will be using in the creation of many of the props and set elements of the film.

I've always wanted to get into 3D printing but was frustrated in the traditional filament process and its lack of resolution. With the grant I was able to dive right in to the higher quality provided by resin printing which is vital to the type of work I'll be printing.

This project is about so many things but it always comes back to a learning process. Each step of the way I'm learning something new, a tool or technique, a way of organizing and planning, or simply a re-evaluation of timeless tropes or connections to what has come before. Speaking of what has come before, those that know my first narrative film, may find a connection in the pics below.

Very first print. ID plates and fake bolt and screw heads to hide the real ones. Trust me. It matters. All 3D models were designed by me in Cinema 4D by Maxon - something else I'm learning for this project.

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